Tuesday 26 April 2011

Quran & Bible Compared Similarities & Differences


God Almighty
(Allah from the word elah) is the only Creator of heaven and earth and all that exists. (many verses in Quran)

God Almighty
(Yahweh also pronounced Jahovah) is the only Creator of heaven and earth and all that exists. (Gen. 1:1)
Almighty God reveals Himself as "One God" with 99 Divine Attributes - But never compares Himself with anything in His creation.

Old Testament – LORD
New Testament – Father
Almighty God has revealed Himself as "One God" and "One Lord" (Deuteronomy 6:3; Mark 12:29)
GOD in Quran:
Allah is NOT ‘Father’ and NOT ‘Son’
There is nothing like Him anywhere.
He is neither male nor female, nor is He in His creation or like His creation.

God in Bible:
God is not a man... not the son of man.." (Numbers 23:19*)
Other places contradict this.
There is only One God, He has no partners and no associates. Worship of other gods or making partners with God is the only unforgiveable sin in Islam. Unless a person repents of this, they stay in Hell forever.

There is only One God. But He exists eternally in three persons, Father, Son (Jesus is God's son and also a Holy Spirit) and all of them together are a One-God-Trinity.
Worship can be to any or all of these.
(Note: The word ‘trinity’ is not in the Bible)
Allah created man from dirt and "in His image" and of "His spirit," yet God has no likeness of anything in creation.

God created man from dirt and the image of God and of His spirit. But the Lord has to go looking for Adam (Genesis 1 & 2)
Man - in Quran
By nature nature is good but prone to mistakes. Muslims who repent and submit to God are forgiven without intercession from Christ (or anything)

Man - in Bible
By nature, sinful and needs redemption by the suffering of Jesus on the cross. (Romans 5:6, 8:32, Colossians 1:19-20, Hebrews 7:26-27, 9:26, 10:12, 1st John 4:10)
Adam sinned and Eve sinned, but they repented and were forgiven, with no continuing effects on their children.

Eve made Adam sin and this brought sin into the world, so Eve is cursed and sins are passed on to their children. (Genesis 3:1-7)
God Forgives Adam and Eve after they repent. Then He makes Adam his deputy (caliph) and the first prophet. (no curse of God on Eve)

The children of Adam are all born with a sin nature and are sinful from birth (Romans 3:22-23, 1st John 1:10)
Through submission to GOD'S Will on earth - in peace, anyone, anytime, any place can be a servant of Almighty God and draw closer to Him through repentance of sins and doing good deeds. All will be forgiven if there is true sincerity.

Jesus is the son of God, and also God at the same time and he has to die on a cross for sins of the people He calls His children and they are all forgiven just for believing this story. (Romans 8:14-15, Ephesians 1:5, Galatians 4:5)
Include Adam, Abraham, Moses, Solomon, David, Jesus Christ and Muhammad.
All believe in One God and order their followers to worship Him, without partners.
The best of humans, excellent examples of living a moral, upright life in worship of One God.
Prophets of Islam never commit major sins and never worship other ‘gods’. 

Include Abraham, Moses, Davide, Solomon, Jesus Christ.
All believe the One God of Abraham and Adam.
Some commit horrible sins, drink alcohol, lie and even fornicate.
(May Allah protect us from such things, ameen) 
All prophets said the same thing, worship One God (Allah; Elah; Alah).
Each prophet talked about the previous prophets, some had miracles and signs.
They all mentioned the coming of the Last Prophet, Muhammad, (peace be upon all the prophets).
They all talked about the Last Days, the Yajuja wa majuja (Gog & Magog) and warned about the Anti-Christ (Ad-dajjal)
All of them called to the worship of One God without partners.

Old Testament prophets dealt with problems of their people worshipping false gods, persecution, and dealing with punishments from God
Some talked about the Last Days, the Yajuja wa majuja (Gog & Magog) and warned about the Anti-Christ (Ad-dajjal)
They called to the worship of One God.
(Books of Daniel, Psalms, Isaiah & Revelations) 
JESUS (peace be upon him)
Born as the son of Mary; a man created without father; a prophet, the Christ; The Word of God (kalimatullah)
Muslims do not worship Jesus or Adam or Abraham or Muhammad (peace be upon them all) 

Born as the son of Mary; a man created without father; a prophet, the Christ; The Word of God (logos). Also called ‘Son of Man’, ‘prophet’, ‘son of Joseph’
(Luke 3: 26 words ‘as was supposed’ were added later by translators)
Appearance of Yajuja wa Majuja
Great trials and tribulations
Anti-Christ Appears

Appearance of Gog and Magog
Great trials and tribulations
Anti-Christ Appears
Jesus returns to earth to destroy the anti-Christ and brings true peace

Jesus returns to earth to destroy the anti-Christ and brings true peace

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